Using the Line-loaded Integral Equations the corresponding principle and Laplace transformation, the torsion problem of the Linear viscoelastical shaft in which load "Point Ring Couple" can be solved. 应用线载荷积分方法,相应原理和拉氏变换,求得点圆力偶作用于粘弹性回转体的基本解。
The paper analyzed fully the triangular wave signals from the torsion oscillation measurement in the system of the rolling drive, and knowing the chatter reason came from the speed difference caused by the diameter difference of the couple of support rolls. 从扭振分析入手,对其传动系统上扭振三角波信号进行了充分的讨论,提出该轧机机座上的颤振原因是由上下支撑辊的相对辊径差所引起的速差所致。
The calculation method of torsion rigidity and strength of mould surface axle in equal distance curve mould surface couple 等距曲线型面联接中型面轴的扭转刚度及强度的计算方法